Éder Rosa (C.V. in English)

Currículo em português


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Éder Rosa is an artist at Bando de Brincantes, where he works as an actor, acrobat, workshop teacher, props designer and executive producer. He is a member of the Brazilian Center for Theater for Children and Youth and the Caixa Preta (Black Box) Group of Black Theater. In Bando de Brincantes, he performed in the shows “Canto de Cravo e Rosa”, “Jogos de inventar, cantar e dançar (Inventing, Singing and Dancing Games)”, “Quaquarela”, for which he received, in 2013, the Tibicuera Award as Best Actor and “Peteca, Pião and Pique-Pessoa”, all by Viviane Juguero, being the first two directed by Jessé Oliveira and the last two by the author herself. He also performed in the ludic activities staged “Literatura Brincante (Playful Literature)”, “O Macaco Bacana (The Cool Monkey) ” and “Amor de Múmias (Love of Mummies)” as integrated art projects performed in several schools in Rio Grande do Sul. He was also part of the team of the radio program for children "Ding, Ling, Ra, Ta, Plá". In 2018, Éder Rosa participated in the voice creation team of the characters of the audiovisual animation series “Jogos de inventar (Inventing Games)”, by Viviane Juguero and produced by Bactéria Filmes. As a workshop teacher at the Bando de Brincantes, he ministered workshops on acrobatics and popular games promoted by Secretaries of Culture and Ministry of Culture, together with Viviane Juguero, with whom he also made special participations in the courses taught by this artist, like the Graduate Course of Art's Pedagogy at the Cenecista de Osório College, in 2014, and the Teacher Training Course “The Playfulness in Environmental Education” at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in 2015. In this last one, besides teaching acrobatics workshops and building scenographic materials, Éder worked as an actor with the group of teachers in the show "Ecos de Cor e Cór", in presentations at the UFRGS Hall of Acts. Éder Rosa also taught acrobatics workshop in the course “Experimental Theater Laboratory IV”, taught by Professor Adriana Jorgge, at the Department of Dramatic Art of UFRGS, in the second semester of 2017 and at the Mario Quintana House of Culture, among other institutions.

Éder acted as acrobat, actor and workshop teacher for three years on the staff of Circo Girassol, where he performed the shows "Misto Quente (Mixed Hot)", "Circo Eletrônico (Electronic Circus)", "O Mundo da Lua (The Moon's World)" and " Pão e Circo (Bread and Circus)", under the direction of Dilmar Messias, besides having been a teacher of the Free Workshop of Circus Techniques for Children, from 2009 to 2011.
At the Caixa Preta Group, he acted in the theatre shows “Berço Explêndido (Splendid Cradle)” (2004); “Hamlet Sincrético (Syncretic Hamlet)” (2005-2011), “Antígona BR” (2008-2009) and “Ori Oresteia” (2015), all directed by Jessé Oliveira. He also acted in "Roberto Zucco" (2007), directed by Filippe Vieira.
In the United States, in 2018 and 2019, he performed at the Overture Center for the Arts, Madison Children's Museum, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, in activities related to Viviane Juguero's PhD research.


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